The variation which is significant is the measured figures in the following groups: vertical change of the hyoid bone, the distance from the posterior margin of tongue base to the posterior pharyngeal wall and the pharyngeal airway area. 各测量项目显著差异的有:舌骨垂直方向变化,舌根后缘至咽后壁的距离,后气道间隙面积。
Correlation between the craniofacial morphology, pharyngeal airway and the head posture 不同骨面型与咽腔气道、颈椎姿势的相关性研究
Conclusion Our finding suggest that the neurogenic functional disturbance of pharyngeal dilator muscles may play an important role in causing the airway collapse in OSAS. 结论OSAS患者咽扩大肌肌纤维萎缩、减少,肌肉自身功能紊乱可能是引起OSAS上气道异常塌陷的重要原因之一。
There was a strong correlation between the amount of mandibular setback and the vertical change of hyoid and pharyngeal airway area. 下颌骨后退距离与后气道间隙面积的减小值和舌骨垂直方向变化呈正相关。
Conclusion: Natural head posture is correlated to craniofacial morphology which is quite related to the pharyngeal airway. 结论:颈椎姿势与咽腔气道,以及与咽腔气道形态和位置有密切关系的颌骨位置呈较明显的相关性,颌面形态通过改变咽腔气道的位置及形态而与一定的颈椎姿势相联系。
Alteration of the position of the hyoid and the pharyngeal airway space after mandibular setback surgery 颌骨后退术后舌骨位置和后气道间隙变化的相关性研究
Objective: To study the relationships of changes in pharyngeal airway position, head posture and craniofacial morphology. 目的:研究颌面及咽腔形态、位置与颈椎姿势的相关性。
Objects To observe the change of pharyngeal airway in patients with sleep apnea and to evaluate the MRI value and to investigate the mechanisms of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome ( OSAS). 目的应用MRI观察阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)患者与正常对照组上气道变化,评价MRI的应用价值并探讨OSAS的发生机制。